Ready to Take Control of Your Own Wellness?

Sustainable weight loss plans

Your weight loss journey is more than diet and exercise. It's complex and your progress could depend on your physiology, genetics, mental health, stress levels, and overall lifestyle.

To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, we must focus on all aspects of our lifestyle, including nutrition, physical activity, sleep cycle, underlying health issues, and hormone levels.

At La Vie, we are highly skilled and experienced in helping our patients reach their health and wellness goals.

With the help of our holistic weight-loss approach, you will start to see the results you have been dreaming. Our team specializes in a whole-body approach to health and wellness, so you get exactly what you need. Contact us today to get started!

Attainable weight loss

Next step to life-long wellness

Losing weight and keeping it off is more than calories in and calories out. Your metabolism is complex and changes with time and activity. Considering all factors involved in weight loss, allows sustainable, attainable weight loss and well-being. This is why at La Vie, our lead-physician Dr. Lisa Smaldone, has developed a treatment plan that goes beyond restrictive dieting. 

At your first consult, Dr. Smaldone will comprehensively examine your medical history and nutritional and lifestyle choices and recommend a complete lab evaluation. After evaluating all these factors, she will structure a treatment plan. This includes

  • An individualized diet plan to help you meet your nutritional goals and dietary needs.

  • Lifestyle recommendations to help you reach your weight goals

  • A course of weekly weight injections, Semaglutide (generic for Wegovy or Ozempic), can be administered in-office or self-administered at home.

  • Monthly one-on-one health coaching or nutritional counseling and progress monitoring.

Ready to say goodbye to fad diets? Book a wellness consult to know how we can help you achieve your goals.

Weight loss that’s more than diets and trends

Semaglutide injections to aid weight loss

Semaglutide is one of the most effective weight loss treatments available for obesity outside bariatric surgery. Moreover, using semaglutide may reduce the risk of developing diabetes and may be particularly useful in insulin-resistant individuals.

 It makes people feel full sooner and decreases appetite, so patients do not feel as hungry.

At La Vie, we use semaglutide injections in conjunction with an individualized diet and lifestyle plan. After reviewing your medical history and lab work, Dr. Smaldone assesses if you are a candidate for therapy.  If you are, you receive once-a-week injections for a month. During this time, we monitor your progress and adjust your dosage accordingly.

Ready to lose weight and regain your wellness?